Saturday, 3 March 2012

Before Me

My exercise routine usually consists of my treadmill in these dark, winter mornings, but the other day I was lured by the warmer weather to walk outside. I came upon an icy patch on the sidewalk and felt my left foot slip forward, and my right foot swung into the air. I knew I was going down, but the sliding of my foot stopped abruptly, and I slowly lowered the raised leg, amazed and in shock. There was no reason that I should have kept my balance in that peculiar position. I should have been flat on my back, with my head hitting the ice.

I continued on my walk, feeling like I was not alone. Once the shock started to wear off, the tears started flowing down my cheeks in thankfulness, and the song, "To God Be the Glory" sprang to mind. Good thing it was still dark out, and no one was around to see me...

So this weekend I painted a picture - just for me. It is to remind me that I am not alone - He goes "Before Me", just as He did when my husband Wern died in 2002, and I felt buoyed by the prayers of so many. His footprints are in the snow beside mine, and go on ahead of me. I will find Him on the path ahead... peace is mine.

My Post-Note: This painting now belongs to a dear friend whose life reflects her love for and dependence on our great God. The painting will still remind me of it's meaning, because I now have a self portrait with this one in the background. The story goes on... :)

1 comment:

  1. Faye, thanks for this beautiful picture of God! Thanks be to our God!!!
