Sometimes when I paint, I don't see the meaning of the piece until it's almost done. But this particular piece wasn't clear for days... I even asked the opinion of friends who have been known to interpret my art for me in new and strange ways.
It was after my morning devotions today that the "scales fell off my eyes", and the answer was so obvious, I laughed. Steve Bell had confirmed one of my earlier ideas that it looked like something from creation, and he encouraged me to look at it in a horizontal format. He suggested the name, "Emblem".
The painting fits nicely into my Creation Series. The swipes of colour representing (in order from left to right) the Father, Jesus (the sacrifice) and the Spirit, in the creation of our world. They meet in a neat little triangle at the bottom. So there!
Of course art is meant to be interpreted in different ways by different people. Everyone "sees" in their own way - right, Byron?
I will remind you that I picked up on the creation theme right off the there!