Sometimes when I observe our present culture, I want to throw up my hands and give up.
We are such a narcissistic generation. The accumulation of goods and commodities is our entire goal, we whine and file petitions when we feel the wrong actor is playing in the next Batman movie, and young men plot to murder others just because they are bored and have no purpose in life. There is so much violence in our world, on TV and movies, that we are becoming numb to tragedy.
I just came upon a jarring 30 minute video - an interview with theologian Walter Brueggeman, called "Matrix of Hope", who boldly states from the start, that our present culture is one of "death".
He goes on to explain his thoughts in an artistic interpretation of Acts 5, "We are to obey God rather than men." His explanation of this text is that we are to "Curb our imagination to the claims of the dominant culture." "Art and artists are exactly the people who must not obey man by conforming to the dominant images and culture, and they have to do wild undomesticated images and metaphors to break that open." The video goes on to explain the premise in depth.
The blog is worth the read, if you have a moment, and the video is also very interesting and illuminating.
Read the complete blog by Cameron Anderson along with the video, Matrix of Hope.
* quotes by Walter Brueggeman, interviewed by Joel Sheesley in Matrix of Hope.
My painting, "Serenity" depicts the lure of culture on young people. (below)
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