Saturday, 10 June 2023

 The Teardrop...

I recently returned from a rejuvenating trip to Vancouver and Victoria, BC with my sister June and her husband Karl. We had originally arranged this trip to include my husband Darrell. Now it was just me.

It turned into a time for reminiscing, grief, good times, adventure and even fun. Occasionally, the good times made me feel a little guilty, but the surprise of joy is a good sign of hope. Darrell had travelled often with all of us, and I missed him so much.

We visited a local art gallery in Victoria, which featured glass raindrops in the window, and they reminded me of my tears. So I brought one home and hung it in my front window to remind me of my tears for my darling husband.

Darrell's family has an Irish background, and one of the stores we stopped at had an Irish theme. I searched for a magnet, key chain or something that might have the Hall name on it, and couldn't find anything. This somehow upset me, and I had to leave the store in tears. 

I also bought a double heart necklace that reminded me of Darrell. I wanted something tangible to wear and see on a daily basis so that I would always remember him. Tears came at odd moments, but they were good tears.

Travel was a good way to work through grief at the death of my first husband, and once again it has helped immensely, and will recommend it to anyone suffering with grief.

I will always treasure my glass "tear" in my window.

Another joy in my life is my new cat. My daughter Cherie found her at a PetSmart store, and I promised to at least take a look. I fell in love immediately with this darling furry creature, who Cherie described as "lovey dovey", so I named her Lovie. She lives up to the name every day and is my constant companion and comforter, sitting on my chest and purring. What a great reason to get up in the morning.

As I write this, she knocks another pen off of my desk. LOL

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